You never know when you’ll need to recognize and control life threatening bleeding but being prepared is essential. That’s why Granby Ambulance Association proudly supports and regularly teaches the Stop the Bleed® program.
When Will You Need to Stop the Bleed?
A bleeding emergency can occur at home, work, school or during a public event. It could be the result of a car accident, a kitchen mishap or even a simple fall in the home. And while we don’t like to consider the possibility that we could be part of a large-scale event, recent school shootings, acts of terrorism, and natural disasters show that it is possible and could happen to anyone.
The fact is, you never know when you’ll need to stop life-threatening bleeding.
Stop the Bleed is a nationally recognized program rolled out in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook school shootings. It is designed to arm ordinary citizens with the skills and knowledge to save lives, by teaching bleeding control methods.
Many people don’t realize it, but a person can die from blood loss in as little as three minutes, and in a mass casualty situation, medical help may not be allowed to enter an area until it is deemed safe.
That means if you’re on the scene, you need to become an immediate responder. Your ability to stop the bleeding could mean the difference between life and death for an injured person.
Stop the Bleed in Classrooms, Businesses and Community Centers
Across the country, people are coming together in support of Stop the Bleed. In places like Ohio, Michigan, and even Connecticut, teachers are learning bleeding control methods through the program. They want to be ready in the event of a school shooting, natural disaster or any other situation where bleeding may be present.
Community organizations, including local governments, and businesses are also stepping up to the plate. East Granby has recently agreed to arm their teachers and town staff with bleeding control training and equipment, joining over half a million people who have taken part in Stop the Bleed.
Even medical personnel are embracing the program and improving their knowledge of emergency bleeding control methods. Of the 341 surgeons who recently completed the training, nearly 94 percent agreed that teaching bleeding control methods to the public should be a priority.
Nearby, it’s often first responders who teach the training. GAA’s Chief of Service, Kate Coupe, regularly holds classes. These events are open to the public, free of charge, and are part of our push to prepare our community for better health outcomes.
Stop the Bleed Training Applicable Day-to-Day
While the Stop the Bleed program was designed to apply to mass casualty situations, the basic training principles have application to every-day life. According to the CDC, unintentional injury is the leading cause of death for people aged one to 44.
Many of these injuries happen in the home. Something as a simple as a kitchen knife mishap could result in life-threatening bleeding that requires emergency treatment.
While most people understand that they need to apply pressure to a wound to stop bleeding, there are situations where other methods are needed. Some injuries will require a tourniquet or packing of the wound to stop bleeding, so it’s important to understand what to use when.
That’s where Stop the Bleed training comes in. The program teaches all of the basic bleeding control methods and when to use them. You’ll receive a thorough overview and even be given hands-on training using special manikins that simulate different types of wounds.
If a person on the scene can stop the bleeding before medical first responders arrive, they have greatly improved the odds of survival for an injured person.
Take Stop the Bleed Training this Year
You never know when you may be called upon to save a life. GAA is encouraging all of our residents, town offices, area businesses and schools to take Stop the Bleed Training this year.
We are conducting regular classes and are available to come to your school, office or organizational event. To reserve your spot in a class, watch our Facebook page or the upcoming training section of our website.
If you are a business, school or community organization wanting to hold Stop the Bleed group training, please contact Kate Coupe at Granby Ambulance Association.